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This course is scheduled during the summer season and can be arranged with custom dates.
Below are videos by NCMG owners Jeff Ward and Larry Goldie. These videos highlight some of the techniques you will learn on your Crevasse Rescue and Glacier Travel Course and are a good reference to use in preparation for your course. You will be learning a lot of information during the course and the more prepared you are, the more information you will retain during the 3 days in the mountains.
Below are videos by NCMG owners Jeff Ward and Larry Goldie. These videos highlight some of the techniques you will learn on your Crevasse Rescue and Glacier Travel Course and are a good reference to use in preparation for your course. You will be learning a lot of information during the course and the more prepared you are, the more information you will retain during the 3 days in the mountains.
Crevasse Rescue: Transfer the Load from American Mountain Guides Assoc on Vimeo.
Crevasse Rescue: Backing Up a Picket from American Mountain Guides Assoc on Vimeo.
Crevasse Rescue: Prepping the Lip from American Mountain Guides Assoc on Vimeo.
Crevasse Rescue: Hauling from American Mountain Guides Assoc on Vimeo.
Day One: Depending on the conditions and time of year, there are several areas we may choose for this program. On the first day, we will hike into a base camp, set up our camp and spend the afternoon discussing several topics.
Those topics may include:
Day Two: We will use the previous day’s skills and venture out onto a glacier. We will discuss route finding and rope management. Touring around on the glacier will eventually lead us to a suitable crevasse for rescue practice. Here we will cover the following topics:
Students will have the majority of the day to practice crevasse rescue in different scenarios. The most difficult scenario being the two-person team where the entire rescue is performed by one person.
We feel it is important to have each student run through this life-saving rescue procedure at least once.
Day Three: We will leave early for a final glacier tour with a student out front. Students will be leading the route finding and managing the team. There will be time for several students to have a turn on the front of the rope before heading down to break camp. Back at camp we will debrief the morning’s tour and answer any remaining questions before breaking camp and heading for the Trailhead.
To get the most out of a program like this it is important for climbers to arrive with some basic skills. If you feel like you lack these skills consider adding an extra day before the start of this program to cover these core skills.
A NOTE ABOUT EQUIPMENT LISTS: Nothing can ruin a trip faster than having the wrong gear for the conditions at hand. All our programs are subject to rapid and severe changes in the weather. Select garments that are warm, lightweight, and durable. Generally speaking, the best arrangement is to think in terms of layers – a system that dries quickly, allows flexibility, and resists wind, water, and abrasion. All of us have different tolerances for heat or cold; for example, you might choose warmer gloves than specified here if you tend to get cold hands. If you have doubts about a specific garment’s appropriateness, please talk to your guide in advance about conditions you are most likely to experience. This list is built for a trip with an unsettled weather forecast. With good weather, some of these items may be left behind to save weight. All trips require that you bring adequate food and water, please see our “food” equipment list for details.
CLOTHING Head, Hands & Feet
Upper Body Layers
Lower Body Layers
CLIMBING / TECHNICAL (these may be rented from NCMG)
1:1 $1,875
2:1 $1,275
3:1 $975
4:1 $900
per person
Private courses can be scheduled anytime between May 1 – Oct 1.