Tavish Hansen

Wash­ing­ton born and raised, Tavish fell in love with climb­ing as a way of interacting with awe-inspiring landscapes in Index, Leav­enworth, Smith Rock, and the rugged moun­tains of the North Cas­cades in early high school, quickly going on to find a deep pas­sion for teach­ing climbing skills and shar­ing expe­ri­ences in the mountains with oth­ers.  
For the last five years, he has chased good weath­er, wonderful people, and beautiful landscapes climbing and guiding between the seasons in the Pacif­ic North­west, Califor­nia, Colorado, and Desert Southwest.  
Tavish values providing patience, adaptability, and unwavering encouragement in enabling people to chase their dreams and live the formative experiences that the mountains can offer us.

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